Chanz Concepts
Think the Design,
We Design the Thinking.

Web Design

Our webmasters create custom made websites on various platforms.

App Development

We create custom IOS & Android apps.

Web Development

Our team specialises in coding websites from scratch.

SEO Optimisation

Our webmasters make sure your application is seen more on the search engines.

Free Logo Design

Business idea, but no logo yet? We create unique logo's for your business.

Management Systems

Do you want an automated system for your business? We create it.
The Outline
One of our employees will meet with you digitally or physically to discuss your concept.
Our online meetings will take place on platforms like Teams, Google Meet or Zoom.
The Execution
Based on the information gathered, our webmasters will immediately get to work to bring your concept to reality.
During this process, we maintain contact with the client to keep them informed of the changes.
Satisfied with the final result? We publish your application and then the real work can begin!
Now the application is ready to be published and to get started!
About Chanz
Let’s get in touch with Chanz!

Chanz Concepts is an innovative business that loves challenges. You ask, we execute. After having helped countless businesses to create their dream webshop, we are only looking for more. It has always been our goal not only to meet customer expectations, but also to give them the ‘WOW’ effect.

After delivery of the
application, it doesn’t stop.

We provide the following services after delivery of the application as an extra.

24/7 support in the first year.
Monthly tips & tricks in the first year.
10% of your investment amount back once you acquire a customer for us.
Our impact in numbers
Great work produces
great results.

190+ Nations

We operate internationally, our staff will be able to assist you regardless of the country you are in.

Discover a World

We have more than 25 collaborations to provide you with all the application possibilities.

10+ Years of Experience

Our webmasters have more than 10 years of experience. Thanks to their experience and knowledge, we can create your artwork.
Web Design Solutions
Our prices are created
based on the project.

For freelancers and entrepreneurs who want to have an affordable website created without unnecessary fuss.

  • No-Fuss
  • Online in 1 week 
  • Creative design
  • Includes 1 round of corrections
  • Link with social media
  • 24/7 support

For entrepreneurs and organisations looking to invest in a custom designed business website.

  • Conversion-focused
  • Online in 3 weeks
  • Creative design
  • Smooth animations
  • Link with social media
  • 24/7 Support

For organisations that want to outsource the process of strategy, design and development of their website.

  • For the ‘WOW’ Effect 
  • Delivery time in consultation 
  • 100% customisation 
  • Strategic plan
  • Full service
  • 24/7 Support

For freelancers and entrepreneurs who want to have an affordable website created without unnecessary fuss.

  • No-Fuss
  • Online in 1 week
  • Creative design
  • Includes 1 round of corrections
  • Link with social media
  • 24/7 Support

For entrepreneurs and organisations looking to invest in a custom designed business website.

  • Conversion-focused
  • Online in 3 weeks
  • Creative design
  • Smooth animations
  • Link with social media
  • 24/7 Support

For organisations that want to outsource the process of strategy, design and development of their website.

  • For the ‘WOW’ Effect
  • Delivery time in consultation 
  • 100% customisation 
  • Strategic plan
  • Full service
  • 24/7 Support
Word of our Founder
Digitisation is the key to success.

Nowadays, there are many developments surrounding digitisation. For example, there are many successful e-commerce websites that have grown tremendously in a short period of time. Why? Because there is simply more interest in customer convenience. That’s why Chanz Concepts also stands for, customer convenience. We create unique websites tailored to our customers’ needs. You are the brain behind the concept, we realise it.

Shayan Hosseini, CEO – Founder

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